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Wild Unknown / Sacred Counsel Agreements & Consent Form

A safe container starts with clear agreements and clear consent. Please take a moment to THOROUGHLY read over this form.

Client Services & Disclaimers

WHEREAS, Sacred Counsel is engaged in the provision of Services with the aim of helping individuals who have hidden, unconscious emotional blockages that prevent them from realizing their full potential. The Guest should always use the Services provided by Sacred Counsel in conjunction with supervised professional psychiatric treatment when objectively necessary.

WHEREAS, the Guest desires to engage Sacred Counsel to perform a number of services (the “Services”) which may include diagnosis, coaching, and treatment by plant-based or other type of psychotropic treatment and aftercare.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:

Section 1: Becoming a Sacred Counsel Guest

1.1 Sacred Counsel and acceptance as a guest. Sacred Counsel will review the Guest’s needs during the initial meetings between a Sacred Counsel sales staff member and the Guest. Sacred Counsel staff are experienced coaches and therapists and are trained in the benefits of a wide variety of counseling, coaching, and natural plant-based treatments. After initial evaluation by the Sacred Counsel team, Sacred Counsel may draw the conclusion, in its sole discretion, that it cannot help the Guest and deny the Guest any further Services. In the event that Sacred Counsel draws the conclusion that a Guest cannot be helped by Sacred Counsel, all Fees paid by the Guest for any non-rendered Services shall be returned to the Guest within five (5) working days.

1.2 All fees will be refunded to the Guest’s method of payment by Sacred Counsel within five working days. Guest should follow up with any third party financing for further details on the refund, if applicable.

1.3 Sacred Counsel Recommendations for Treatment. Sacred Counsel staff are rigorously trained to help guests and are treatment agnostic. Sacred Counsel staff will not recommend nor arrange treatment or treatments which lay outside internal Sacred Counsel guest guidelines for a particular diagnosis. Sacred Counsel stakes its reputation in helping its Guests to a treatment regimen that is developed as the Guest is assessed, not as requested by the Guest. In the event of a dispute between Sacred Counsel’s decision to withhold a particular treatment for the Guest and any treatment that is requested by the Guest, Sacred Counsel shall, at its sole discretion, decide what, if any, treatment shall be given to the Guest. The Guest may at any time refuse any treatment suggested for the Guest.

Section 2: Term, Termination, Fees and Payment and Guest Satisfaction

2.1 Term. This Agreement shall commence upon receipt of the first payment of program fees as they are invoiced to the Guest.

2.1.5 A Guest may not book a retreat that is more than 12 months from the date of the first payment made by the Guest.

2.2 Termination. Sacred Counsel may immediately terminate this Agreement at any time in sole discretion upon written notice to the Guest if the Guest is in breach of this Agreement or specific rules (“Rules”) which pertain to a regimen of treatment which shall be given by notice to the Guest prior to the commencement of the provision of Services either remotely or at a Sacred Counsel retreat center. The Guest shall be asked to specifically acknowledge that he or she has read and is in agreement to abide by those rules whilst being treated by Sacred Counsel.

2.3 Program Fee. The fees (“Fees”) for Services rendered to the Guest are subject to refund policies that are particular to Services rendered. Prices do not include the cost of plant medicine, psychedelics, or similar products. There will be no additional charges for this retreat, other than elective services such as massages, Reiki, and other add-on services.

2.4 Refund policy. Before signing this Agreement, you should be aware of Sacred Counsel’s refund policy relating to the Services that you are purchasing.

Sacred Counsel’s refund and rescheduling policy:

a. In the event that the Guest needs to cancel or postpone their retreat for any reason other than for a medically certified purpose, no refund shall be granted. The Guest should refer to their CFAR travel insurance policy to claim a refund.

b. In the event that the Guest needs to cancel their retreat for a medically certified purpose, a doctor's note will be required for verification.

c. In the event that a Sacred Counsel retreat is canceled for reasons of Force Majeure or another operational reason; including any relevant government prohibition (including, but not limited to travel restrictions), pandemic, act of war, or other Act of God, then the Guest shall be entitled to a full refund.

Section 3. Privacy, Liability, Indemnity, Disclaimer, and Insurance

3.1 Consent to Give and Use of Guest Data. The Guest consents to the use of his/her personal data provided to Sacred Counsel in relation to Sacred Counsel’s provision of the Services only, either provided by Sacred Counsel or a Sacred Counsel affiliate. Sacred Counsel shall keep confidential and use on a ‘need to know’ basis Guest’s information internally. The Guest consents to Sacred Counsel’s transmission of Guest data to and from any independent contractors within its own network that have in turn covenanted to maintain Sacred Counsel’s Guest information confidential at the same or higher standard as this Agreement. Furthermore, Guest agrees to allow for relevant information from Sacred Counsel therapist coaching sessions to be shared with any retreat where the Guest shall go to participate in treatment. Finally, Guest gives express permission for the retreat to share any relevant information about the Guest’s retreat with a Sacred Counsel therapist or partner retreat center (affiliate) for the purposes of reintegration coaching or the provision of other Services.

3.2 General Disclaimer and Disclaimer of Liability. Neither the Guest nor Sacred Counsel shall be liable to each other as a result of the Services rendered to the Guest by Sacred Counsel or any independent third party or affiliate. The nature of plant-based therapeutics can be unpredictable and individuals may have known or latent conditions which may lead to undesirable outcomes. Sacred Counsel shall take all reasonable steps to ensure quality care for Sacred Counsel Guests at all times whilst the Guest is in treatment by Sacred Counsel either remotely or at a Sacred Counsel affiliate retreat center. The ability of Sacred Counsel to safely administer the Services to the Guest requires that the Guest give true and complete answers at all times to Sacred Counsel personnel during the course of their treatment. Guests who have acknowledged or manifested psychotic, dangerously erratic behaviour, schizophrenia, bipolar or other related disorders and are known to have a pattern of seizures or other neurological disorders shall be precluded from any and all plant-based therapeutics. It is the responsibility of the Guest to be truthful in the disclosure of any and all information in the Guest onboarding and treatment processes. The Guest expressly acknowledges that plant-based therapeutics can be dangerous and outcomes can be unpredictable that can in rare instances may result in death. Sacred Counsel completely disclaims responsibility for any Services performed to and on behalf of any Guest. The Guest acknowledges that Sacred Counsel is constantly working to update its knowledge of diagnoses, coaching, and treatments; however, no guarantees can be given to the Guest in terms of safety or outcomes. Certain treatments work differently on different individuals and the Guest explicitly recognizes this. Results depend on the Guest’s individual efforts, transparency, and honesty in the diagnosis process, dedication to the treatment process, aftercare, and reintegration process to both attain and maintain those breakthroughs achieved while working with Sacred Counsel. The Guest is solely responsible for any damage caused to himself/herself as a result of the Services provided by Sacred Counsel or its affiliates and further indemnifies Sacred Counsel against any claims for any type of damage brought against Sacred Counsel by a third party on their own or the Guest’s behalf.

3.3 Sacred Counsel’s Duty to Inform. Sacred Counsel reserves the right to inform any retreat for whom a Guest has been booked, if it becomes aware either during or after the Guest’s coaching sessions that the Guest has been untruthful in the disclosure of any medical conditions that should preclude that individual from receiving any plant-based therapeutic treatments. After having informed or having learned of any dishonesty in your answers regarding the disclosure of medical conditions, Sacred Counsel may at its discretion withhold the provision of any further Services and you shall not be eligible for a refund.

3.4 Insurance. Guest shall be solely responsible and is strongly encouraged to purchase all medical and travel (“Cancel For Any Reason”) insurance required for themselves and their party for any travel and Services to be performed for the Guest. Due to the innovative and unconventional nature of some types of plant-based therapy treatments offered by Sacred Counsel partners, some insurers may refuse to cover certain treatments. Sacred Counsel shall not be responsible for any Guest loss whilst travelling to or from any affiliate treatment centre or for any loss relating to the Sacred Counsel Refund policy. Any Guest who executes this Agreement acknowledges the Sacred Counsel Refund policy in Clause 2.4 above.

3.5 Confidentiality. Both Parties agree to keep the contents of this Agreement and all Sacred Counsel treatment materials and methodologies used in the provision of the Services confidential.

3.6 Non-disparagement. Both Parties agree not to make any publicly disparaging comments about the Guest or Sacred Counsel. Both Parties acknowledge that such comments are harmful and may cause monetary and other non-quantifiable damages.

Section 4: Miscellaneous

4.1 Entire Agreement. This written Agreement comprises the entire agreement between the Parties with regards to the subjects of this Agreement. The Guest is not relying on any oral or written representations to enter into this Agreement. Any modification of this Agreement shall only be valid if modified in writing by the Parties.

4.2 Governing Law and Jurisdiction. This Agreement and any disputes relating to this Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Mexico, and any court of competent jurisdiction shall have the right to hear any dispute between the Parties.

4.3 Severability. If any part or clause of this Agreement is found to be illegal or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, then that part or clause shall be struck out with the remainder of the clause and contract in force.

4.4 Supplementary Products. Payments for retreats do not include the cost of plant medicine, psychedelics, or similar products. There will be no additional charges for this on retreat other than elective services such as massages, Reiki, and other add-on services.

a. Supplementary Products Exclusion: Participants acknowledge and agree that these Fees presented and payable pertain solely to Services and Offerings and will not include the cost of any plant medicines or similar products (collectively, "Supplementary Products") which may be provided, offered, or distributed by a Commercial User, or any other party, in connection with Services or Offerings. Sacred Counsel shall bear no responsibility or liability in connection with any provision, offering, or distribution of Supplementary Products, and is not a party thereto. All capitalized terms used herein shall carry the same meaning as assigned to them in Sacred Counsel's Terms of Service.

Section 5: Code of Conduct Relating to All Retreats

5.1 Refund for Early Departure. If the Guest leaves a retreat premises before their reserved stay is over, no full or partial refunds shall be granted. The Guest leaving is responsible for transportation once he has left from the premises.

5.2 Unacceptable Behaviors. The following behaviours are unacceptable in all circumstances and will result in the Guest being sent home without notice and without refund:

a. sexual harassment or sexual relations with any other retreat attendees or any retreat staff;

b. behavior that puts the Guest or others’ lives at risk;

c. repetitive disruptive behaviors inside or outside the ceremony that create discomfort for other guests or significantly interfere with the healing process of other guests;

d. use of any illicit substances or drugs of any kind taken to or consumed at the retreat venue; and

e. theft.

5.3 Guest Information. Sacred Counsel will not share any personal information relating to any guest without that guest’s explicit permission.

Section 6: Participant Agreement and Waiver of Liability

6.1 Acknowledgment of Risks:

I, the undersigned participant, acknowledge that I have voluntarily chosen to participate in the Sacred Counsel Retreat (hereinafter referred to as the "Retreat"). I understand that the use of psychedelic substances and participation in related activities involve inherent risks, including but not limited to psychological distress, altered states of consciousness, and potential adverse physical reactions.

6.2 Health and Medical Disclosure:

I confirm that I am in good physical and mental health and do not have any medical or psychological conditions that would affect my ability to participate in the Retreat. I acknowledge that I have disclosed any relevant medical history to the facilitators of the Retreat.

6.3 Personal Responsibility:

I understand that I am responsible for my own actions and decisions during the Retreat. I agree to communicate openly with the facilitators regarding my feelings, experiences, and any discomfort I may experience during the retreat.

6.4 Waiver of Liability:

I hereby waive, release, and discharge Sacred Counsel, its owners, employees, facilitators, and agents from any and all claims, liabilities, or damages, whether known or unknown, arising from my participation in the Retreat, including but not limited to any injury, loss, or damage sustained by me.

6.5 Indemnification:

I agree to indemnify and hold harmless Sacred Counsel from any claims, damages, or liabilities arising from my participation in the Retreat, including any claims made by third parties.

6.6 Consent to Medical Attention:

In the event of a medical emergency, I consent to receive medical treatment and agree to be responsible for any costs associated with such treatment.

6.7 Governing Law:

This waiver shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state in which the Retreat is held.

6.8 Agreement:

I have read this Safety and Liability Waiver in its entirety, understand its contents, and voluntarily agree to its terms. I acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age and have the legal capacity to enter into this agreement.

I acknowledge and agree that these terms and conditions govern my purchase of Services from Sacred Counsel.
I Agree

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